

Mika Honkalinna Recognized with a Namesake Conservation Area at 60

Mika Honkalinna (born 8 August 1964 in Anjala) is a Finnish wildlife photographer and an author. Since 2018 Mika has been collaborating with Snowchange on visualizing and advancing the Landscape Rewilding Programme. In total Mika has inventoried and photographed dozens peatlands, forests, rivers and lakes in the programme. In August 2024 Mika turns 60 and in order to celebrate this Snowchange has decided to name Kiuasvaara Peatland and OGF forest in Pudasjärvi, totaling 18 hectares, as a Mika Honkalinna namesake site to celebrate Mika's life work and achievements for nature and Finnish traditions.

He was born and in Kymenlaakso, South-East Finland, where he lived much of his life, but at the moment he lives in Liminka, in North Ostrobothnia. Mika has said of his art:

"My photos and my stories are born in the midst of northern coniferous forests and swamps and often in the middle of northern winter, snow and ice, inspired by the survival and the aesthetics of winter. Most often, my illustrated stories are intertwined around the relationship between men and nature and the attempts to understand them. The sharp fluctuation of seasonal variations, the polar night in the winter, the light summer nights and the multi-faceted landscape of Fennoscandia create fascinating conditions for photographing and spending time outdoors."



A Large OGF Forest Joins from Sodankylä

A complex of four sites from Northern Sodankylä has joined the Landscape Rewilding Programme. The whole area is an outstanding example of north boreal old growth forest located in Sodankylä, Lapland. It has 175-186-year-old boreal forests and peatlands. It is appr. 176 hectares as a total area.

The site was included into the Landscape Rewilding Programme in July 2024. These old growth forests contain an approx. 175-year-old pine and spruce forest as well as deciduous timber. The area is a very representative entity of the almost untouched northern boreal forest.

The area serves as a connecting ecological corridor between the Posoaava and Koitelainen Nature 2000 areas.

The 92,358-hectare Posoaapa and its parts, Tenniöaava and Kaita-aava, are the biggest peatland complexes in Peräpohjola. Rivers divide the area into several large parts.

Both Peräpohjola and Metsä-Lappi peatland belong to the Pomoaavan-Iso Postoaava swamp area. Thus, the area is a transition zone of swamp types.

The forests in the area are almost entirely over 200-year-old natural spruces. There are also ultra-alkaline rocks in the area. The Pomokaira area belongs to the northern Peräpohjola aapa peatlands. The area is very important as a nesting area for northern waterfowl.

The Koitelainen area of 48,938 hectares is a large marshy watershed between Luiro and Kitinen. Swamps are mainly fens. The versatile meadows located mainly in the southern part cover approx. 3% of the area.

The streams are bordered by willows. There are almost 100 km of small streams in the area. Forests grow in islands. All the forest types of Northern Finland are represented on the slopes of Koitelainen. The forests are mainly natural spruce forests over 200 years old. There is a lot of rotten wood. There are ultra-alkaline rocks in the area.

Koitelaiskaira is one of the most representative swamp areas. It has remained wilderness. The area is a very important nesting and living area for endangered birds and mammals. The bird species is diverse.

The site is on the list of internationally significant wetlands, i.e. the so-called Ramsar site and an internationally important bird area (IBA).

The Kevitsa mining area is located in the immediate vicinity of Koitelaiskaira.



Ellala Peatlands in Ranua Open a New Strategic Landscape

Ellala peatlands in Ranua, slightly south of the Arctic Circle, are both amazingly intact and biodiverse peatlands and impacted by peat mining. Snowchange focuses in the region to support large wilderness areas, local communities and water quality.

Ellala Peatlands are a massive boreal carbon sink and store. In June and July 2024 Snowchange has worked with local landowners, organizations such as Luiminka River Association and conservation groups to initiate a new strategic level rewilding landscape. Totaling at appr. 500 hectares, both large intact peatlands, recovering boreal forests and peat mining sites to be restored have been included into the whole.
These actions support Litokaira, the largest intact wilderness area south of the Arctic Circle in Europe, totaling 33,000 hectares. On the Western side of Litokaira Snowchange has already over 330 hectares of intact peatlands supporting Litokaira and its wilderness histories.
These actions support local reindeer herders and local communities for years to come.



Two new areas to the ICCA Registry – A Sámi Forest Area and Onkamo lakes in North Karelia

In May 2024, the ICCA Registry approved the first forest area protected by the Sámi, or the so-called ICCA area in Nordic countries. The Altto-oja forest, located by the Ivalojoki, is a 72-hectare entity. At the same time, the Onkamo lakes in the Province of North Karelia were accepted into the register as an example of important natural areas for local Finnish communities. These decisions represent a vanguard of conservation methods in the region.

The Altto-oja forest, a 72-hectare complex, located by the Ivalojoki river, is the traditional area of a Sámi family, where Sámi reindeer husbandry continues. The area has significant natural values. The families of the area wanted the Altto-oja to be protected, in a way where the Sámi traditional knowledge, land use, history and nature knowledge are also included as part of the whole. In 2023 the Landscape Rewilding Programme and the Sámi community of Altto-oja started a collaboration.

In the fall of 2023, after the inventories and the collection of Indigenous knowledge an application was submitted for the Altto-oha to the UN Environment and ICCA Registry. The goal was to get the site an ICCA (Indigenous and Community-Conserved Areas) area - ICCA areas are a relatively new, international protection status for areas where indigenous peoples or local communities are able to demonstrate an undeniable ability to protect their areas, manage their rights and maintain biodiversity.

In May 2024, Altto-oja was accepted into the ICCA Registry maintained by the UN. In the justifications, nature values and the Sámi tradition are emphasized. There are several endangered habitats on the site.

The Alttokangas area is characterized by a sand plateau accumulated by the ice flows of the end of the ice age. Through the plateau, the ice flow has eaten a steep canyon, where the bed of the current river meanders strongly towards larger Ivalojoki River. The soil is water-washed and layered sand, and there is a large erosion bump on the east bank where the layering of the sand can be seen.

The southern and southeastern slopes of the plateau are light slopes of ridge forests, and the area also includes two low, barren ridge ponds. The area has representative natural northern boreal pine forests, the average age of which is more than 200 years, and where there is a lot of groundwood. There are patterns of small logging from the 1990s on the site, which are being restored in cooperation with the Sámi people.

At the same UN / ICCA Registry meeting, the North Karelian region of Onkamojärvi was also accepted. Snowchange coordinates the long-standing village-led lake restoration complex. The inclusion states that the Onkamo Lakes are a significant example of lake restoration, where local communities have included almost the entire catchment area in remedial measures.

For example, many wetlands have been established in Onkamo, marshes have been restored and management fishing has been done for more than 15 years. Most of the activities were coordinated by Tuovi Vaaranta from Pro Onkamojärvet Ry until recently.

In 2023, operations were transferred to Snowchange. The Onkamo example is the first entire lake in the northern regions with its catchment area to enter the UN register, and it can be considered a significant example of the effort to restore Finnish water nature.

These efforts to include these sites into the ICCA Registry were made possible with a grant from the Swedish PostCode Foundation. Their grant also supports the active restoration of these sites and co-creation of a completely new model of conservation in the boreal areas of the Nordic countries.



Kuosku Reindeer Forests An Outstanding Example of Boreal Old Growth

Snowchange has worked with the families of Kuosku, Savukoski in Eastern Lapland to secure over 120 hectares of old growth forests and large peatland areas into rewilding and conservation. The sites are in close proximity to European-level protected areas.

Marjavaara OGF is one of the sites in the recent breakthrough. It is over 75 hectare natural forest in Finnish reindeer herding village of Kuosku, Eastern Lapland. The sites totaling 120 hectares include outstanding examples of north boreal old growth forests and peatlands.

Marjavaara OGF has approximately 100-200-years-old pine and spruce forest and intact peatlands. It is an iconic and significant site of northern boreal forests, mostly unaffected by human activities. The site is important for reindeer herding activities.

Marjavaara's old forest contains approx. 100-160-year-old pine and spruce forest and intact bogs. The area is a very representative entity of the almost untouched northern boreal forest.

It is a large, unified piece of a fine mosaic of stream banks, floodplains and forest. Human influence is also low in the forests, the trees are on average 98 years old. The oldest patterns, 160 years old, are small in size, but there are several hectares of 140-150-year-old pine trees on the plot.

The shores of the stream is swampy and there are more hardwoods, otherwise the area is very coniferous. Johkanoja flows into Pyhäjoki, along which there are some ditching. The area supports the natural values of Pyhäjoki and the condition of the Tenniöjoki catchment area.

In the vicinity of Marjavaara's old forest is the Maltio Strict IUCN Protected Area and the Joutsitunturi-Koukkutunturi Nature 2000 area. In total, these protected areas have a size of 30,000 hectares.

Maltio Strict IUCN Protected Area is located in a watershed area. The nature types are diverse: aapa peatland plains, extensive forests between stony slope forests and small streams.

The forests of Joutsitunturi are the natural lush groves of the fell slopes. Pine trees are of different ages and structures. Sirrikumpu is an area of approximately 250 ha that burned in the 1960s and is dominated by birch trees. About half of Koukkutunturi's forests are natural spruces over 200 years old. Most of the pines are over 200 years old. On the eastern slope of Koukkutunturi there are younger pine trees of different structures.

Additionally Vuospajanaapa at appr. 40 hectares is a completely intact area of swamp and natural forest.

Of special note are the 120-year old birch patterns along Kuoskunoja stream which are a really nice lush streamside biotope. Farther from the stream there are sparse trees or open undrained swamp. On the western edge of the rim structures, a really nice watery neva peatland.

The southern edge of the plot is bordered by a state-drained swamp. In the 1980s sedge species which were found to be growing indicate lushness also on the side of the open moor.

Vuospajaanaapa supports the goals of the 12,785-hectare Joutsenaava Natura 2000 area near (FI1301404). The area is a large, uniform marsh area, a flat basin in terms of topography, where the marshes have developed to be very ridged and stringy. Wide raven zones along the banks of the Aatsinkijoki and its tributaries, which cross the area, are also characteristic.
Joutsenaapa is mainly low- and medium-nutrient, the largest marsh areas are in Kuppiaava. The neva area is almost completely covered with water. There have been extensive flooded meadows along the banks of streams and rivers.

These sites would have been logged otherwise. Now they are secure. Their protection is the life work of two reindeer herders, Yrjö Kuosku (passed at 95 years of age) and Pentti Pulska who recently also passed. They never allowed these sites to be clear cut.



Rune Singing Village of Ryökkylä and Sub-Arctic Pärjänjoki River in Focus in May

In May traditional Karelian village of Ryökkylä on lake Mekrijärvi is in focus. Additionally a sub-Arctic Pärjänjoki river in the Ii catchment receives support. Management fisheries will commence on Sääperi once the ice leaves.

At the end of April a 8,81 hectare site of Iivananaho, located in the traditional Karelian village of Ryökkylä on lake Mekrijärvi joined Landscape Rewilding Programme. Ryökkylä is one of the rune singing villages of North Karelia that preserved the oral poetry until 1900s.

Iivananaho is centrally located and consists of traditional buildings, field biotopes and boreal forests. It is connected to the larger 661 hectare Korvunniemi protected area. Iivananaho will be one of the locations of the Festival of Northern Fishing Traditions in September.

A second important focus area for the Landscape Rewilding Programme in April was located in the Sub-Arctic river of Pärjänjoki. Over 20 hectares of primary boreal forests, including over 100 year old forests and peatlands were added to the programme in this sub-catchment of the Ii basin.



New Arctic Peatland Added

Heinäjänkä at 22 hectares has joined the programme. It supports efforts in Western Lapland.

Heinäjänkä Peatland has many natural biotopes left. It has 107-year old Scots Pine and over 100-years-old Spruce habitats, intact peatlands and springs that are on the site.

The site supports efforts to preserve Meltaus and Ounasjoki basin.



Louhineva, a major peatlands complex in Western Finland, Protected

Louhineva located in the lake Kuivasjärvi basin, Parkano, Finland, has been formally protected by the state agencies and Snowchange. Louhineva was restored between 2019-2024 and is a major ptarmigan habitat, southernmost in Finland.

Louhineva is one of the last rather preserved peatland complexes in Western Finland. It was slated for peat mining in 2000s but Snowchange was able to secure the site in 2019. Between 2019-24 the ditched parts of the peatland were restored.
In March 2024 the ELY Center, regional state authority and Snowchange have agreed to formally protect 82 hectares of Louhineva. This will secure habitat for ptarmigans, falcons, cranes and many other birds, assists in water protection and also supports keeping carbon on the ground. Local community needs, such as moose hunting will continue on the site.
Snowchange expresses their concern on the several wind power projects surrounding Louhineva. The site has electric wires in the center of the peatland that could not be protected as the state authorities expect the needs of the wind power generation to grow rapidly. Snowchange is concerned regarding the cumulative impacts of these projects and hopes that for its part Louhineva alleviates some of the pressure on the wildlife, habitats and interconnected, recovering landscapes of Kuivasjärvi.



New Sub-Arctic Boreal Forest Joins from Sodankylä

A new major forest-peatland area has joined LRP. Takala Peatland and Forest is a mostly intact aapa mire peatland with an intact OGF forest. However some parts of the site have been logged in 2010s. It is an important site for local reindeer herding, as well as for Arctic waders and migratory birds.

The old growth forest on the site has many trees over 165 years old making it an important oasis of natural forest ecosystem. Takala Peatland and Forest supports the conservation targets of the nearby Näätävuoma-Sotkavuoma (FI1300604) Nature 2000, 10675 ha. The Näätävuoma-Sotkavuoma area is a large aapa swamp area.
The marsh interconnection is diverse: barren bogs, open meadows and lush meadows. In the surroundings of Raasujärvi and Teikkualammi, there are old hay fields as well as on the western edge of Näätävuoma. Kuusikko-Näätäselkä has a small gravel collection area.
There is a lot of decaying wood in the uncut forests of Näätäselkä. The area has over 200-year-old spruce trees and younger deciduous forests. There are a total of 2,370 ha of wooded bogs, about a fifth of the area, and 2,380 ha of marshes, a fifth of the total area. There are 3 ha of springs and spring marshes and about 100 ha of forest meadows. The Näätävuoma-Sotkavuoma area belongs to the aapas of southern Peräpohjola.
Takala Peatland and Forest has aapa mire plants as well as a good stock of juniper, dwarf birch, sedges. In the summer time it is an important Arctic bird nesting area.



Kuumunsuo Peatland Opens 2024

Kuumunsuo peatland and forest complex is the first significant site to be added to the LRP in 2024. It supports efforts to protect habitat for wild forest reindeer.

Kuumunsuo is 44 hectare site of peatlands and OGF forests, including 169 years old timber forest. It is close to Jonkerinsalo EU Nature site of close to 4000 hectares. Site protects and enables habitat for a range of species and has outstanding biodiversity values.

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